Natural Influences in Design

Interior Design, Green Building and Feng Shui


Green Building addresses the impact of the materials and energy use of the building on the environment.  Ferree recommends and incorporates sustainable design and green building as much a possible on every project.

 "We are meant to live in nature," says Jaan Ferree, "and we wall ourselves off from the natural world in our offices and homes.  By incorporating the natural world and elements such as water, wood, fire and earth into the overall design we can create a sense of balance and stimulate the energy flow through the design of a room.

 Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of placement. Feng Shui works through subtle combinations of organization, space planning, psychology, ecology, interior design, and common sense. 

Jaan Ferree's own unique style of incorporating feng shui and interior design has evolved through a combination traditional design strategies and Western and classical Chinese approaches to feng shui.  Imagery, art and symbols are ways to inspire and encourage a positive lifestyle, business brandings and the overall intentions for the public use of a space

Incorporating feng shui  helps create a space with intention.  If the intention is to generate income, create a sacred space for mediation, or energize a room for creative activities or public events - incorporating elements of feng shui can help achieve this. For an interview, a consultation or questions please see the Fees for Services page, or fill our the Inquiry Form.